Thursday, March 02, 2006

"I have to live my life according to what I believe is right!"

Wow! What a profound message of love. Who would have thought that the film Brokeback Mountain would signal a clarion call to pull back the veil on the complexities and beauty of man-man hot love. Film makers are responding and making films that matter - matter to real people like you and me. The above quote is the profound message of love at the heart of a new film soon to be released by Universal.

It is a story of man-boy hot love that spans across space and time. And it is a novel film in that it is a cross-over-sci-fi-sequal . . . let me tell you about it!

Now that Brokeback Mountain is set to sweep the Oscars, we, the viewing public are now able to recognize the true depths of love that can overcome two seemingly straightmen. Ah! How free it feels to be liberated from those oppressive moral constraints that imposed a blindness on the viewing public. Horray for Hollywood! Liberators of the masses!

No longer will the obvious homo-erotic themes of films like Forrest Gump, Blade Runner and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants be relegated to the subtext of the plot. Now that we have Brokeback, we can face what we always suspected in the back of our minds - man-man hot love is everywhere! Yippy-Yea!

This latest film from Universal is the exciting story of a man-boy coming of age hot love style . . . BROKEBACK to the Future III.

Who can wait for the Oscars next year!


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