How NOT to be a Catholic Lawyer
So you're from a prominent Catholic political family, you've gone to Holy Cross for undergrad and gotten your law degree from Catholic University Law School, you've taken at least a year out of your life to be a volunteer in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, you've gotten married and brought a more than average number of babies into the world (4), you've run for public office at the state level and won, and now you are looking to go for the big time, national politics. You have been working towards this all your life. Now is the time to make your mark, to be all that you were raised to be and lay your life down in heroic pursuit of the free and virtuous society, and the highest principles of the common good. To be not just a Catholic Lawyer, but a Catholic Statesman!
So, what do you do next?
Get in bed with the largest, most powerful and wealthiest radical gay activist organization in the world by accepting an invitation to be their keynote speaker (hat tip to Amy Welborn).
To whom is Bob Casey, Jr. swearing to? Is that the Bible he has his hand on? Doesn't he know that making a public oath and swearing on the Bible is an act of covenant making that calls down God's wrath upon one's head if he breaks his oath?
What counsel could Bob Casey, Jr. possibly be giving in this photo? What if this young man was suffering from same sex attraction and turned to Mr. Casey for advice?
Would he say,"Son, there is nothing wrong with the way you feel. Be yourself. Don't be afraid to be different. Express your inner self and you will find happiness. And by the way, I can get you a summer internship at The Campaign for Human Rights if you want to really explore who you are and your full potential."
Would this boy, following Mr. Casey's advice, find himself initiated into the gay anti-culture and tracked into a series of life decisions that will lead to an early death and all manner of injury along the way?
The upcoming senatorial race in PA will be one to watch. Both candidates are Catholic - one is honest about same-sex attraction (and has suffered as a result of speaking the truth) and the other is keen on taking radical gay activist money to push their lies on society. This conflict will once again draw national attention to the question of being Catholic in the Public Square.
If Mr. Casey wins the election, it will be a victory for the anti-principle of personal advancement at the expense of the public good. The fall out will be the suffering of young men who have gotten lured into the "gay deathtrap"because of a lack of good loving fathers in their lives and a lack of courageous public representatives who believe that the truth still matters.
Then again, maybe all of this is just a cautionary tale about how a promising career as a Catholic Lawyer and Statesman can go astray after spending time with the Jesuits.
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