Gagged NASA Scientist Scandal, Possible Conspiracy Link to Ave Maria University's Supreme Chancelor - Tom MonaghanNASA & Ave Maria, FL - February 17, 2006 - Two seemingly disconnected events have generated speculation today of a possible conspiracy linking the suppression of a
NASA scientist and the
offical ground breaking of Ave Maria University and Town in Naples Flordia.
Jim Hansen, the director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and top climate modeller, sought to go public with the results of a new satellite study of the Greenland ice cap which showed a massive acceleration of melting than what was previously thought, but political appointees from the Bush administration tried to stop him from going public and sought to suppress his voice and the results of this important study.

However the story got out and was featured prominently on the Drudge Report with the above photo.
As the melting ice cap story broke despite the efforts to suppress, President Bush's brother Jeb Bush was in Naples, Florida with billionaire Tom Monaghan for the ground breaking of the new town and university there.
“This is a historic day, not only for Ave Maria University and Town, but also for Collier County and the State of Florida,” Governor Bush said. “This new town is the result of many years of work and partnership between state and local government and landowners to develop the Rural Lands Stewardship Program in Eastern Collier County. We thank the leadership of Ave Maria University [Tom Monaghan] for choosing Florida as the home for this new world class academic institution.” Monaghan, founder of Domino’s Pizza and former owner of the Detroit Tigers, seeded the University with more than $250 million. “This initial donation will provide a substantial start to Ave Maria University, but to achieve our vision for greatness we will need continued financial support from others,” Monaghan noted.
The NASA ice cap melting news represents a significant threat to the Supreme Chancelor's "vision for greatness" and the injection of hundred's of millions of dollars into Govenor Jeb Bush's state. Why? Because no one wants to plunk their treasure into the middle of what scientists predict will soon become an ocean.
National Geographic News has reported on studies from the Department of Geosciences Environmental Studies Labratory that show the impact of what the melting of the Greenland ice cap would have on global sea levels. The impact is predicted to raise the sea level by 6 meters. The results are shown below:

Using computer models, scientists have created a series of maps that show areas susceptible to rises in sea level. The above map shows that a 6-meter (20-foot) rise would swamp Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, and the entire Florida coastline, in addition to parts of Orlando and other inland areas.Image created by Jonathan Overpeck and Jeremy Weiss, courtesy University of Arizona Department of Geosciences Environmental Studies Laboratory
With a 6 meter rise in water level, Ave Maria University and Town will look something like this by the time its first graduating class reaches the end of life expectancy:

However, NASA scientist, Jim Hansen predicts, in the supressed story, that sea levels are likely to rise by 25 meters by the end of the century, 2100. If NASA's data is correct, this represents a very serious threat to the Ave Maria University project.
These seemingly disconnected facts have led some close observers to speculate on whether billionaire Supreme Chancelor Tom Monaghan has used his influence in the Bush administration to force the suppression of yet another voice of criticism of Ave Maria University and Town in Naples.
Those close to Mr. Monaghan know that nothing will get in the way of his "vision of greatness." The greatly respected and distinguished Prof. Charles Rice is one of the more prominant persons who have suffered at the hand of Tom's "vision of greatness," not to mention the many students and families who were supporters of Ave Maria College.
The coincidence of the gagged scientist, the ground breaking of AMU & Town, the Bush connection, the hundreds of millions at stake and Supreme Chancelor Monaghan's modus operandi all have fueled mounting speculative chatter as to the existence of a conspiracy.
Close Monaghan & AMU watchers will be looking very closely for any hint of suppression of the scientists at the National Hurricane Center this coming season. If information about hurricanes headed for Naples, Florida are suppressed in the media or if the vast history of hurricanes hitting the area is rewritten in the press, then the Monaghan conspiracy will finally be exposed.
Until then, the speculation will continue and hopefully those who are considering moving to Ave Maria University (such as Ave Maria Law School) will have access to ALL the facts.

[Editorial note for DaVinci Code readers: sat·ire - Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin satura, satira, perhaps from (lanx) satura dish of mixed ingredients, from feminine of satur well-fed; akin to Latin satis enough -- 1 : a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn, 2 : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly]